
Draven yoink
Draven yoink

draven yoink

riven, main, toxic, draven, minglee, trihard, kkona, twitch, useless. You can edit the shell script anytime (by right-clicking onto the Automator file and selecting Automator): kappa, feelsgoodman, feelsbadman, feelsweirdman, yoink, ice poseidon, cx.

draven yoink


Click to switch to original version Currently, 12.16 patch rank game data is being stored. The original version of the OP.GG website will shut down on 9/5. Until you complete your items you may have a rough time so its advised to stay under turret and farm, if your lane is pushed in and youre not able to reach enemy minions safely dont feel afraid to yoink your teams minions and jungle camps. The action runs this shell script open -a Yoink time new files or folders are added to the specified folder, which instructs macOS to open the specified file with Yoink (which ultimately results in the file being added to Yoink’s list). Draven Build, Runes, Counters (Middle, Season 12.15) - OP.GG - League of Legends. AP Dravens weakest point is a mid game, during which hes farming stacks on his tears to reach his late game power spike. If you’re curious about what the Folder Action actually does, it’s this:

draven yoink

Draven loses 75 of his Adoration stacks upon death. When Draven kills an enemy Champion, he consumes all of his Adoration stacks and gains 25 + (2 × stacks) bonus gold. At 6 stacks, he consumes all of his Strike stacks and gains 2 Adoration stacks. To create multiple of these, all you need to do is unzip again, change the filename of the Automator action, double-click it and follow the instructions above If he drops an axe or a nearby Minion dies without Draven killing it he loses all Strike stacks.


  • With the Folder Action installed, whenever you download or save a file into that folder, it will be added to Yoink, like you can see in this video:.
  • If you ever wish to uninstall it, just delete that file. As a bonus, Draven's got some fun mini game for you, if Draven attacks while his axe is spinning, the axe bounces, and if you make me catch it, the axe spins again. The action will then be moved to /Users/ yourname/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions/Yoink Save Folder.workflow Draven has always been a top tier, fun ADC, dedicated to kill and kill more enemy champions and get more powerful and adored because of that. Choose the folder you’d like to attach this action to and click on Install.

    Draven yoink